System-on-a-chip (SoC) refers to integrating all components of an electronic system into a single integrated circuit (chip). A SoC can include the integration of: Ready made sub-circuits (IP) One or more microcontroller, microprocessor or DSP core(s) Memory components Sensors Digital, Analog, or Mixed signal components Timing sources, like oscillators and phase-locked loops Voltage regulators and power management circuits The blocks of SoC are connected by a special bus, such as the AMBA bus. DMA controllers are used for routing the data directly between external interfaces and memory, by-passing the processor core and thereby increasing the data throughput of the SoC. SoC is widely used in the area of embedded systems. SoCs can be fabricated by several technologies, like, Full custom, Standard cell, FPGA, etc. SoC designs are usually power and cost effective, and more reliable than the corresponding multi-chip systems. A programmable SoC is known as PSoC. Advantages of SoC are: Small...